
Sunday, May 22, 2011

Bridging Ceremony

This past Saturday we had our first ever bridging ceremony for Girl Scouts. My 1st grade Daisies are graduating to Brownies. As the troop leader, it was a big deal for me too. ( Especially since I found out like 15 minutes prior to the start of the ceremony I was to give a speech. Yikes! ) I had 3 girls that were going to Brownies. One of which was Haleigh. I was so happy that I got to take part in her bridging. After all, I became a leader for her. She is moving on to Brownies and Kendall will become a Daisy in the fall.

A bridging ceremony uses the bridge as a symbol of moving on to the next level of Girl Scouts. It's a traditional Girl Scout ceremony. After I gave my speech, I introduced each one of my girls' individually. I told them how proud I was of them and how much I was going to miss them. We did the Girl Scout handshake, I pinned their rainbow on them, and off to the bridge they went. They were met half way by a brownie who posed to them a question relating to one of the Girl Scout laws. They had to respond by answering how they were going to apply that law in their lives. The ceremony was wrapped up with several Girl Scout songs and a weenie/marshmellow roast.

I am so proud of my girls. They remembered their lines, and performed the songs perfectly. It was such a neat ceremony. It was an awesome way to wrap up my year of girl scouts with them. I am sure going to miss them.

1 comment:

  1. Awww.. how neat! I have never heard of this, but the bridge idea is so cute!
