
Thursday, June 30, 2011

Haleigh's Forever Long Day

Last Tuesday was an extremely long day. We spent the entire day at TCH with Haleigh. Haleigh was diagnosed with bilateral kidney reflux at 18 months of age. To make a long story short, she has been having recurring infections this past year and her urologist thought it was time to check things out again.

Our morning started out bright and early in nuclear medicine. They were nice enough to rub some numbing cream on the vein they were going to inject the dye. So, they applied the cream and we headed down to McDonald's until it was time to receive the injection.

After waiting almost 3 hours it was time to get on with the first x-rays. We had to wait 30 minutes for the actual injection after receiving the numbing cream, then another 2 hours after receiving the dye. They have to give the dye plenty of time to filter through the body and deposit in the kidneys.

Haleigh was such a trooper. She had to be very still while this machine continuously circled her body coming millimeters from her face. She was strapped down to make sure she stayed still. She had some anxiety about the machine coming too close and not being able to move. I would too! But she did it like a pro.

Then after lunch it was time for her renal ultrasound. This was the easiest of the three procedures. Cody and I both found it very strange to be looking at the screen and not looking for a baby. Ha. Haleigh was becoming slightly uncooperative about me taking pictures by this point in the day.

The third and final procedure was the worst. This was the one I had been dreading since the day we made the appointment. It's called a VCUG. That's short for a really big long word. This is where they insert a catheter into the bladder and fill the bladder with contrast. They fill it as full as it will go and snap continuous pictures. It is extremely uncomfortable. Then they make you hold it for some positional pictures and then ask that you empty your bladder while laying under a large machine and a room full of people. Haleigh was extremely through the entire procedure and had trouble emptying her bladder with an audience. She was crying because it hurt and she was miserable, and of course I was trying to hold it together for her. Cody was insisting that they help her. Let's just say we were really thankful for the child life specialist that was with us. She was great from start to finish. She really helped get us through in one piece.

At this point she didn't want a picture at all. This was prior to the VCUG. I wasn't going to ask for one after. None of us were in any condition for a picture.

Then it was more waiting...and more waiting. Our last appointment was with her urologist. It was all worth it because we got to hear some great news. She has outgrown her kidney reflux!!! The best news ever. No scarring, and no damage. Two perfectly functioning kidneys. Wonderful news. We still need to stay on top of her potty break habits because she is still getting infections. But, we can handle that. Thank you God!

1 comment:

  1. Oh my gosh, she outgrew it?!?!!! YAY!! Such great news!!!! But man, what a day... I was stressed for you guys just reading this. So glad it was worth it though... YAY!!!
