
Sunday, June 7, 2009

A Long Awaited Update

Ok, so I have majorly slacked on this blog thing. To bring everyone up to date; I passed my CRT on my first go 'round (about 2 weeks ago) and I recieved my official license yesterday from the state. WOO-HOO!! I am so framing that sucker!! I cannot wait to take my RRT and my NPS but money is the issue. Which brings me to my next topic: a J-O-B. I am trying to get on at one place in particular and am in the waiting period to hear something. It is forever long......but it kind of worked out in a way. I have been sick ALL week with strep throat, and I am supposed to hear something tomorrow. It would not have been so good to get hired then have to call in sick on my very first day of orientation. Once again, things happen for a reason and the man upstairs seems to be taking care of me.


  1. You've come a long way baby!!! It has been a workout for all of us! Our struggles make us so much stronger and closer as a family and we have all pulled together and are so very proud of you! There was never any doubt that you would get it done. You are a very strong woman, great student, loving mother and honorable wife. You are my daughter, my life.

  2. Thanks so much. That means more than you know! Could not have done it without you and my wonderful husband!! I love you!
