He weighs in at 23lbs, a lightweight according to the growth curve. He falls into the 25th percentile. Strange though, because he is not skinny by any means and his height is dead center in the 50th percentile at 31 inches. And, we always joke and talk about him being top heavy
Caden has four top teeth, four bottom teeth, and his right first molar just broke through. His left first molar is having a heck of a time, in fact he actually has an "extrusion cyst" in it's place. We were advised to go to the dentist so they can assist the tooth but I am choosing to wait and see if it can make it on its own. He is not in any pain from it, and doesn't flinch when I put pressure on the cyst. It just looks really mean. It's a big pocket of fluid with some bruising on the bottom. I honestly have never seen anything like it, but he seems to be handling it well. The last thing I want to do is inflict pain upon him unnecessarily.
Caden still loves his bottle very much. He doesn't care for milk, he prefers his formula. His doctors don't like this but I can't make myself take them away just yet. I still rock him to sleep every night, and he joins me in the bed in the early morning hours. I love this time with him. I just soak it all up.
Caden's favorite game is chase. It doesn't matter what it is or where we are....it's always more fun to turn it into a game of chase. I personally don't agree, but basically what Caden wants to do he does. He is his own boss. He has a temper like there's no tomorrow, and has an attitude to go with it. Though he knows when to turn on the charm, and give out a few kisses and it seems to make everything okay. For now. I cringe as I say that...but it's the truth.
Caden still loves baseball and swimming. If there is water he will find it, and manage to get as wet as possible. We don't mind this quality too much, seeing as our entire family LOVES the water. It's not always
convenient but we deal. Caden is also an avid climber. He scales everything he can. This scares me.
Caden's favorite word is "nnnnnno". He can even point his finger with it if he feels it is necessary. He also likes to say "I did it"! It is sooooo cute. Some of the less clear words and phrases he uses are "no you don't" and "it's mine". Isn't he sweet?! I must say, he learns from the best.
He also knows "stinky" and does the hand motion with it. When he poops in his diaper, he usually comes to me and tells me that he is "stinky". He likes to do his business in partial privacy; he will find a corner or go hide behind a chair. I know, only a mother thinks this cute.
He has already discovered the Picasso in himself, and markered ALL over the girls room floor. Crayons are a snack food for him. He likes to hold his bottle upside down and finger paint with his formula too.
I cannot wait to see what kind of cool tricks we are going to accomplish over the next month. Life with Caden is fun, tiring, and entertaining. I love him so much I just can't stand it! :)
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