It didn't surprise me in the least that his favorite parts were the cabinet and the sticks. Cabinets are his weakness. I think the only thing that would have been better for him were some cabinets full of stuff. Any stuff, it doesnt matter what is in the cabinet, just as long as it comes out.
The other three kids had a blast too! I think the ultimate favorite was HEB. It was set up like a grocery store with aprons, ID tags, groceries, cash register, the whole nine yards. They assumed roles very quickly. Haleigh was the checker, Kendall was the shopper, and Will was the stocker. Will had me stocking with him too! They stayed in that room the longest, I had to make them move on.
The drive home was funny....funny enough to share. The kids were hungry and I was trying to get them to all agree on the place we were going to drive thru. This task has proven to be a difficult one and Haleigh was the one that was not in agreement. After I stepped in and made the final ruling she got upset. She very rudely proceeded to tell me what she wanted from her (non) place of choice. So, I proceeded to explain to her that she wasn't getting anything talking to me so rudely. Thats when it went silent. Then all of a sudden she says " can I please have ...... my queen". HAHAHA! Will is one smart boy....because it worked. How could it not?! Will has this game figured out!
On an ending note- this is Kendall in a police car. I hope the next time she is in a police car she is driving again.
All of us- Grammy is taking the picture.
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